
Ahmed  Ben CheikhAhmed Ben Cheikh is a project management and research and development (R&D) consultant at the service of automotive mechanical industry companies.

He joined Renault in 1987 as a research engineer for the development of numerical simulation software of manufacturing processes where he sets up and led several cooperation projects supported by the European Community.

Then,  he moved to project management where he’s been involved, as a project manager, in different vehicle developments in partnership with other worlwide car makers.

In late 1995, he started a career in Tunisia, North-Africa, as managing director of a manufacturing company and then as a business and technical consultant on behalf of international corporations. He also cooperates with an algerian computer company in the development of enterprise software.

Back in France in 2002, Ahmed takes the role of project manager, in charge of powertrain development project planning for automotive gas and diesel engines. Then, he becomes consultant at Lionbridge UK, acting as a the aftersales engineering project manager within a joint-venture between Renault and General Motors.

Following his involvement in the TEAM Association, he creates in 2009 Team Auto Consulting, with 12 other partners.

In addition to his technical positions, Ahmed has been the managing director of a cultural center in France. He contributed to increase three times the visit rate.

He holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, from the Laboratoire de Mécanique et Technologie of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan.

He communicates in French,  English,  Arabic and Spanish.

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Paris, Tunis